Combining elements of movie musicals, dance, and scripted narrative, Music follows Hudson as Zu, a newly sober drug dealer who unexpectedly becomes the new guardian of her half-sister, the titular role played by frequent Sia collaborator Maddie Ziegler.
Zu struggles at first to care for Music, a disabled teen, but an inward journey of discovery — with assistance from a friendly neighbor, Ebo (Leslie Odom, Jr.), who possesses helpful advice from experience — soon puts her on an eye-opening path.
Co-written by Sia and Dallas Clayton, Music also features extensive musical sequences set to Sia’s music, which tells an integral part of the story through fantastical productions allowing audiences to see the world through the eyes of Ziegler’s character.
Sia will also release a new album alongside the film, featuring 10 original songs performed by the cast. Music will be released in a limited number of IMAX locations in February 2021. Watch the first trailer above.